Is It OK to Use Your Phone While Charging?

Do you think your phone will explode if you use it while charging? Do you believe that you'll harm your battery or wipe your phone's memory?
If you're wondering what happens to a smartphone's battery when you're using it on the charger, you've come to the right place.
Do you use your phone while it's charging? It's the age-old debate.
But, we're here to end it today.
If you're using your phone while charging, you're about to find out whether or not you're damaging your phone. Just keep reading.
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Busting the Myth
The idea that you can't use your phone while it's charging is a myth. It's completely false.
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to use your phone while it's on the charger. Your phone will still be able to handle the charge while maintaining the application that you're using.
You may notice that your phone becomes warmer when you're using it on the charger, but this shouldn't cause any major problems with the device. If your phone becomes so overheated that you can't hold it, you need to take it to an expert who can identify any issues.
Normally, there shouldn't be a problem with any modern-day phones.
Where the Idea Came From
Somehow, people have created the idea that you can't use your phone on the charger. But, this didn't come out of the blue.
In fact, it's rooted in past conditions.
The main fear that comes with using your phone while it's on the charger has to do with old batteries. Luckily, companies that make smartphones replaced this kind of battery with a better one.
The old batteries used to be dangerous if they became overheated. As the ions ran across the battery, the battery would become heated. This would cause salt to build up in the battery.
Over time, more and more salt would form. And, this would eventually break the battery for good.
People who were using their phones while they were charging would cause more and more heat to build up within the device. At the same time, the device would become overworked and form more salt within its casing.
These kinds of batteries could even cause phones to explode if the heat and pressure became too great for the phone's casing to handle.
But, you don't have to worry about these problems anymore. Today's phone batteries are different. Unless there is a defect, you shouldn't have any problems using your phone while it's on the charger.
Downsides to Using Your Phone While Changing Your Phone's Battery
There is one slight downside to using your phone while it's charging. That is that the battery will take longer to charge.
Your smartphone is exactly what its name implies: smart. It can sense how much the applications that you're using are taking up battery. In response, it slows down the charging process as needed so that you can get the power that you need from the phone.
Unless you're using a very heavy application, your phone should still charge positively. So, you should still notice the number increasing over time even if it's very slow.
If you need a fast charge, we highly recommend leaving your phone alone. In fact, you could put your phone on airplane mode for the fastest charge your phone has ever had. This is especially great for people who are charging their phones from portable chargers.

Promoting a Long Battery Life
Some people use their phones while they're charging because they'll lose their charge if the phone isn't plugged in. In other words, the phone is going to die while this individual is using it. So, they plug it in while they're using it to prevent their phone from dying.
It may be the only way that this person can use their phone.
First off, this is a problem. You need to take your phone to a tech expert to see if there are any issues with the battery. If your phone can't hold a charge, it's likely that the battery is fried and you need a new one.
If your battery turns out to be fine, you may need to change your charging habits.
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1. Invest in a Quality Charger
If you're opting for cheap and/or old chargers, you're not doing your phone's battery any favors. In fact, you could be harming it even more.
Whether you're buying a normal charger or a fast charger like ours, you need to make sure that you're not picking the cheapest option. Your wallet may like it in the short run, but you may be spending more money on chargers over time as you're replacing broken chargers.
2. Avoid Charging Your Phone at Night
Charging your phone overnight isn't going to destroy your phone. But, it's generally a good idea to avoid charging your phone overnight.
This prevents the phone from becoming overheated. While overheating isn't going to destroy your phone, it isn't good for the phone either.
Rather than charging your phone at night, you should look for times throughout the day that you can charge your phone. You might have some time while you're getting ready in the morning or taking a bath at night.
The point is to prevent your phone from staying on the charger for too long. While modern-day phones don't have the ability to overcharge, they still shouldn't stay on the charger too long.
This is also the reason that we recommend removing your phone's case while it's charging. The case restricts the phone from dissipating heat. So, the phone can't get rid of the heat that it's accumulating while charging.
It's also important to place the phone on a solid, flat surface while it's charging. You don't want to leave the phone on top of a cloth or another similar material. This can gather heat around the phone and cause even more warmth in the phone.
3. Avoid Short Charging Sessions
If you're charging your phone, you should charge it to at least 80%. Short spurts of charging can be harmful to the battery. It may get you through the day, but it may be lowering the number of battery cycles that your phone's battery can go through.
Each phone's battery has an estimated number of battery cycles that it can go through before it starts showing signs of damage. By having more cycles that are shorter, you're lowering the number of cycles that your phone can handle.
On the other hand, you shouldn't feel it necessary to charge your phone completely. Getting to 100% is great when you're looking to get through the day, but you don't need to wait until your phone reaches 100% to unplug it. If you want to use your phone and you're waiting for your phone to stop charging, 80% is enough for a full charging cycle.
When you're ready for a long charge, you shouldn't plug your phone in until it reaches around 20% battery. By waiting until it gets low, you can avoid a short charging session.
At the same time, you shouldn't wait until your phone dies to get it on the charger. Allowing your phone to lose all of its battery could be harmful to the charging cycles as well.
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4. Choose Wireless Chargers Wisely
Wireless chargers are becoming more and more popular as smartphone companies start to make wireless charging available. But, you need to make sure that you're choosing the right wireless charger.
Just like your charging cord and charging block, you need to pick a quality wireless charger. The equipment that you're working with is important to how your phone works. And, more importantly, it affects your phone's battery.
So, just like we suggested with wired chargers, you shouldn't go with the cheapest option. In fact, a cheap wireless charger isn't likely to work long at all. The magnet inside of the charger isn't likely to be able to reach the phone's battery.
Wireless chargers can't work with cheap magnets. So, you'd end up setting your phone on the charger only for it not to charge at all.
Cheaper wireless chargers also tend to charge slower. So, you'd also have to deal with a slow charge. In some cases, the charge is so slow that you may not be able to charge your phone fully overnight.
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Quality Phone Chargers
So, no, using your phone while it's charging isn't going to cause any harm. But, it may slow the charging process and cause slight overheating.
In the end, you want to make sure that you're taking care of your phone's battery. The accessories and chargers that you're using affect your smartphone's battery life. So, you need to make sure that you're investing in high-quality phone chargers.
Our quality phone chargers are faster and more durable than any of the average phone chargers out there. So, give them a try today.
Whether you prefer wired chargers or wireless chargers, we have exactly what you need. And, each product is high-quality. So, you don't need to worry about short-lived chargers or overspending.
I love my charging cable. It’s long. It’s long enough that I can sit my chair and be plugged in.
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